As a part of the Library/Learning Resources, Instructional Support Programs & Services Division, the Academic Support Center (ASC) provides instructional support services to students, faculty, and staff with the aim of helping students achieve academic success. The ASC is comprised of multiple related services: the Skills Center, the Tutoring Center, the Writing Center, Hornets Tutoring and the Math Success Program.
Welcome Video
Check out our ASC Canvas shell! On our Canvas shell, you can access Math Lab workshops, Writing Center and video workshops, our Frequently Asked Questions, and more. Click on the link below to check it out. The first time you enter, you will need to click to join the course.
Mission Statement
The Academic Support Center promotes student success by providing diverse, flexible services for all Fullerton College students. These services are designed to meet all students’ learning needs in an inviting and appropriately-designed space. The Academic Support Center pursues these goals through current technology, campus-wide communication and collaboration, appropriate counseling and referral services, staff development, and allocation of adequate resources to assess and develop all of its programs.
ASC Tutoring
Tutoring Center and Writing Center offer online and in-person tutoring
Our Fullerton College tutors from the Tutoring Center and Writing Center are offering tutoring online and in-person within the Academic Support Center on campus. Click on the Login to ASC Tutoring button below to access our online appointment system for tutoring.
DSS and EOPS students are eligible for Above-and-Beyond tutoring accommodations. For more info, contact us at: academicsupport@fullcoll.edu.
- 12:00 pm, March 27 - Attitudes for Success: Cultivating a Growth Mindset - Room 808A
- All day, March 31 - Cesar Chavez Day Holiday - Campus Closed -
- All day, April 1 - Spring Break Holiday - ASC Services Closed -
- 2:00 pm, April 11 - Building Test Taking Confidence for College Students: - Room 801C
- 7:00 pm, April 23 - Studying 101: Study Tips and Note Taking Strategies - Room 801C
- 7:00 pm, April 30 - Support and Tips for Students Using Office 365 - Room 801C
- All day, May 26 - Memorial Day Holiday - Campus Closed -
Academic Support Center
Room 801
(714) 992-7065